‘Muswell Hill will never be the same’: Tributes to Toff’s owner George Georgiou – ‘one of our own’
George Georgiou was a person who knew how to appreciate every moment of life.
BonaFideStudio in lockdown news
We recorded this NHS thank you song with help of Muswell Hill children.
Throwback: Fun with Twizy
Check out BonaFideStudio being featured in this Twizy tour of North London!
Is Your Studio Equipment Safe During Lockdown?
Whilst we know that insurance is not always the first thing that comes to mind in strange times like these, we would like to address some of these concerns and let you know that a specialist broker, MIB is here
International Women’s Day (8th of March) is celebrated in many countries around the world. It is a day when women are recognized for their achievements without regard to divisions, whether national, ethnic, linguistic, cultural, economic or political. BonaFideStudio traditionally celebrates it
How to Mic a Drum Kit
There are lots of ways to mic a drum set. Let’s walk-through how-to mic a drum kit, all the way from kick and snare to toms, overheads and rooms, including mic recommendations and placement. https://youtu.be/PYv4oKFCMA0 Kick Drum Kick drums come in lots of
Beach Media Publications celebrates 15 years of publishing
When we moved our studio from Shoreditch to Muswell Hill seven years ago, Becky Beach and her Muswell Hill Flyer were one of the very first welcomes we received. Since then, we have collaborated on many different projects in our Muswell
Happy Holidays | New Decade Welcome!
It’s almost the end of the Year and the end of the Decade and we can not help but be super-thankful for the amazing music we created here at BonaFideStudio.
It’s A Wonderfull Muswell!
Local traders and residents have secured a wonderful Christmas tree this year which will be lit on Small Business Saturday at the new celebration we are calling “It’s a Wonderful Muswell”. Join us in St James Square at 4 pm
Music Copyright in UK
The first of these rights is the right to the song or musical composition, also known as the publishing copyright. Songwriters who have either written the composition or the lyrics will get the copyright to the song attributed to them.