The Music Industry is Fighting Back!
The music industry has been hit hard by coronavirus with live performance revenue the biggest casualty and music studios who prepare artists for their events are no exception.
The industry is fighting back with new ways to monetize music consumption and innovative models and one of them is the live streaming!
The crisis is likely to accelerate underlying trends in the music industry, based on the importance of streaming which has grown significantly and we are happy to offer you our space as a live streaming platform.
The recorded music combines revenue from streaming, digital downloads, physical sales and synchronization revenues (licensing of music for movies, games, TV and advertising). Recorded music today is close to the industry’s pre-piracy peak, a testament to the growing adoption of streaming services by both music labels and consumers. Streaming now makes up almost half of recorded music revenue.
On 19th of July almost all restrictions on events, recording and rehearsals were removed, and, in theory, it’s full speed ahead. Although, we all know it’s not quite that simple; for audio professionals across the UK, this remains an uncertain time.
We are seeing a return in confidence with steady increases in enquiries every week, however, there still remains concern about how to safely return to in-person and what the next few months might hold for restrictions for artists.
We intend to use all our resources to support the safe return of in-person large group events, live streaming, recordings and rehearsals, and hope to see you soon.
One way or the other show is going on. And we are here to support you!