Lockdown 3.0, our Government looks permantly surprised!
Our chief Deanna Bogdanovic said in the Ham&High:
Much more clarity is needed from the government to ensure businesses can plan and are not left to guess from one week to the next. Communication, especially about when and how the economy can safely re-open has been scant, and announcements about business closing and financial support are poorly timed and last minute. In an era of unparalleled uncertainty for all of us, the level of stress on cash finances and the mental health of business owners has been ratcheted up to a fever pitch whilst confidence plummets. Not many businesses will survive this lockdown.
Read the whole article here https://www.hamhigh.co.uk/news/covid-business-grants-government-camden-6885744?fbclid=IwAR2yTPwPKOvmvVLnwmhIFYPR8zRnZ_QERXHNd4jlybT4670-UxqVMAnebqg
Read Deanna’s New Year’s Message in Ham&High