BONAFIDESTUDIO – in perfect pitch since 1999

BonaFideStudio has worked on thousands of projects, from fledgling teenage bands to Platinum-selling international artists and film soundtracks, offering affordable recording and rehearsal rates without compromising on quality.

From demos to “single” production packages and full albums, your project will be given the attention and enthusiasm it deserves. It becomes your studio, with a comfortable sofa, Wi-Fi, even free parking within our beautiful setting of Parkland Walk Nature Reserve.

Call us anytime on 0208 883 9641 or 0208 444 5054 for an informal chat about how we can best achieve a solution for your project or email us at

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Wishing you much merriment over the festive period and all the best for the New Year!

Wishing you much merriment over the festive period and all the best for the New Year!

Whatever festival you may be celebrating between now and mid-January, we wish you and your family, friends and colleagues much joy, peace, health and great success.

We hope to see YOU next!

The albums and artists that sum up our year span genres and borders. We recorded hip-hop, blues, punk and rock, R’n’B and spoken words. We had opera singers and classical musicians as well as gospel and trap. We recorded on-site and on location, we programmed and composed, mixed, mastered, edited, we sang, we tuned, we recorded frying bacon sizzling as your sound effect…

Our year started with Et Tu Bruce back in January 2014. They also stopped by for two weeks in December. 2014 almost started and finished with Et Tu Bruce. Old friends that feel at home with us. Our bonafides: Et Tu Bruce

We are proud of every and every one of you who trusted us with your music this 2014. We have worked with some of the world’s greatest artists and we cannot wait to start afresh in 2015.
2014 brought us bands you WILL hear more from in 2015: Roberta and The Band

One Eye Wayne
Steve Puddle and his Steve
Red Queens
Le Gazhikane Muzikante
The Velvet Minds
Dat Boy Johnny
Mad Billie & The Tramp Stamps
Enemies of Promise to name but a few.
We are finishing this year with Echochain, rest of the year is dedicated to recording their debut album.

This year, once again, we were part of developing voice recognition software for our clients in Japan and thank you to all who participated in ‘lending’ their voices to us. It WAS fun in the end, wasn’t it?

And yes, we were part of various film and TV shows, jingles and podcasts. Well…most of them we loved…

Expression ‘Job satisfaction’ became teary true with few very special projects:

BonaFideStudio recorded the amazing song Build It – The Disfunkshunalz ft. The Vale Stude Fam.

The experience and children we will truly never forget. We teamed up with legend JENNIE BELLE STAR back in March 2014 and recorded a song for Teenage Cancer Trust that we hope will bring much-needed funds to this amazing organisation.  Not so long ago we recorded a song about Malala, the girl from Pakistan who stood up to the Taliban. There wasn’t a dry eye in the studio during THIS recording session.

We pride ourselves on being part of our community supporting various local charities and organisations. Our charity of the year was again LCCCP Muswell Hill. They are doing great work with children and parents and we will continue to support them in 2015.

Shopping and employing locally and supporting local businesses and talents is our priority.

We work with Muswell Hill Sustainability GroupRed Desk VA,  Muswell Hill FlyerMuswell Hill Legal Advice, Beyond Social BuzzPQA Muswell HillO’Neill’s and many more local bonafides making our beloved Muswell Hill even better place to live and work in. All together we gave birth to The Geisterfest, the first of many to come…

‘The two most joyous times of the year are Christmas morning and the end of recording your album’.

So bottoms up our musos! May only good tunes follow you around in 2015!

Forgive, accept, play, embrace, cherish and love! It’s easier than you think…

Yours always

Deanna, Brian, Nathan, Ron, David, Diogo, Jack, Michael, Renatas, Enrico and Tom