Love for BonaFideStudio – Be Our Valentine Competition
On February 14th you declared your love BACK to us. In return, we furnished you with some free studio time.
This is your best of the Be Our Valentine Competition.
Winner is Jay (made us laugh)
He wins full day of recording, mixing and mastering with our engineer of his choice.
Here is the winning poem:
‘I never knew of Muswell Hill before
Had no idea what Parkland Walk is
Now Im there bang on every week
But you need 5 minutes to get where you take a leak.
During the day I do some encoding
At bonafide I came alive doing my recording
I’ve spent so much money, all my spare time
Sweat and tears
At BonaFideStudio set among wild leaves
That is without doubt woman of my dreams.
Hoping for some freebie I’m writing this on site
Spending my Valentine in the studio, right?!
Don’t you dare declare another winner but me
Mine is the longest and I never use tree to pee!
2. Silver goes to Alex. Declaring his love for Brian didn’t go unnoticed
He wins 5 hours of recording in our studio.
I loved studios before
But it never felt right
Until I had a bonafide-a-bite
Loved struck at first sight
I keep coming for more and more
In a daze when walking through their door
No other can compere to them, oh no
Wanting only one, his name is wiz Brian
He is da true sound engineer lion
3. Bronze goes to Stephen and his kinky rhyme
Stephen can choose 1 hour recording or 3 hours of practise as his prize.
There’s a love I sometimes hide
Coz I dont want to be rude you know
But I throb when I’m at Bonafide
Its a rinky dinky sexy little studio
We would also like to mention some really nice poems that didn’t get the prize but they were in the final round for top 3
1. Simon’s promise of food made us happy:
‘I met them few Brian, Deanna,
Ron, David as well
When I see them my guitar strings gel
There is also Nathan and Jack
I would share with them my last big Mac!
2. Santo’s fight for us made us blush:
‘Step away Jay who the hell you think you are
BonaFideStudio is mine so don’t you spread a lie
Coming there from France anyway I can
I deserve a treat every now and then.
I am coming back in the beginning of May
Promising them all 50 shades of grey!’
3. Kelly’s haiku proved that some of you do read:
‘I like to play drums
At Bonafide Studios
They have got drums there’
4. Jessica’s classic made us feel important:
‘Roses are red
Violets are blue
Without bonafide what would I do’
Congrats to the winners and thanks for playing.
(thank you for making us laugh….you are one sick, funny bunch…hahahahahahahahahha! Some are too sick to be shown lol)
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