Enjoy The Sounds of Season
From our family to yours, HAPPY HOLIDAYS from all of us at BonaFideStudio! We’ve had a great 2015 working with some amazing acts and enjoying our relationships with the superb local community.
It is encouraging and inspiring to be able to provide a service that will help others reach their creative goals. BonaFideStudio wants to encourage everyone to enjoy the holidays, embrace family and friends, and reflect and consider doing something you have always wanted to do but have never done. Maybe record that song, tell your life story, or record your favourite tune playing your favourite instrument! Make that your New Year’s resolution.
Snippets of our community events in 2015:
we’re looking forward to an even better 2016!
We are open throughout the festive season: just in case you had enough of mince pies and alike: call us on 0208 883 9641.
Recording studio vouchers are still on sale, with an instant print they make a great gift!