Dutch Muswellhillbilly Boys
The news will not have escaped anyone’s attention – Queen Elizabeth II has died.
Somehow, although we all knew the time would come, it still came as a shock and found us unprepared. Events all across the country were cancelled, including Saturday’s Muswell Hillbillies Summer Festival celebrating ‘The Kinks’, and messages were rushed out to performers.
For Kick some KinKs though, the band due to be the headliner at the festival, the news came too late as they were already on the ferry here from The Netherlands…
Although fully understanding the reasons for cancelling the festival, the band were understandably also very disappointed, as they had been excited at the prospect of playing in the Kinks’ hometown. As they said,
“Something like that is the highest achievable for us as a Kinks tribute band. Playing for our heroes.”
However, Kick some KinKs are not a band to give up lightly, and rather than turn around and go straight back home, they decided to continue the journey to Muswell Hill and join the rest of the fans in London.
As they explained, “For a while it looked like playing gigs in London seemed impossible. Fortunately we had our manager Petra Speijer with us, who is very good at what she does. She immediately started emailing, texting and calling. As a result, we soon saw some small bright spots and it turned out that some gigs were still possible. She also thought of all those Kinks fans who, of course, also came to London for the festival. Fans from Canada, Australia, Holland, Germany, Norway etc…”
The positivity and initiative of the band was rewarded by firstly and opportunity to perform at the Muswell Hillbilly Brewers on Friday. A very intimate gig in the smallest room they’d ever played in. Half the band was lined up behind the bar, but what a party it was! The bartenders also acted as background dancers and were almost part of the performance themselves. The crowd spread out into the street, which was full of smiling, dancing people.
Following that performance, the band were invited to The Clissold Arms where they were welcomed like royalty. The band explained – “This was a big surprise! Playing at The Clissold Arms. Located across from the house where brothers Ray and Dave Davies grew up. THE Kinks Temple and the holy of holies for many Kinks fans.” A tribute to the Queen was played, and tears were shed, for the Queen, and by Kinks fans, there being music after all.
But it was not all over yet. To top it off, on Sunday Kick some KinKs played at The Woodman, Highgate, where they were joined by many fans. It was an amazing performance, full of energy, and with the song Days played in memory of the Queen.
The band enthused, “LONDON we love you. We would like to thank Muswell Business, Friends of St James Square community including Deanna and Brian from BonaFide Studios who helped us out with the equipment, Tracey and Monique for cheering us on, The Clissold arms, the guys from the Muswellhillbilly Brewery, and The Woodman Highgate.”Plans are already afoot to hopefully reschedule the festival to next year. But this year was unique, and no-one could sum it up better thank Kick some KinKs, who said “We had a fantastic time and hope to see you all soon. We felt loved. We felt like Muswellhillbilly Boys.”
I feel that our Muswellhillbilly Boys will be back soon!Similar article was written in Ham & High (probably taken from this blog)
Full article from Ham and High can be found here https://www.hamhigh.co.uk/lifestyle/heritage/kick-some-kinks-tribute-band-play-muswell-hill-9270864?fbclid=IwAR0eOkiaACFhaPnywwcmG9C359CmxVB5QQG0fBLa6_hQuN2bbFeYqFdr_Yo